Emblemantha urnulata “Golden Orange”, also called Ardisia sp. Sumatra / Jambi or Labisia sp. Riau – all these names are synonyms for the same, extremely variable and colourful plant which correct name is (but not widely confirmed yet) Emblemantha urnulata. There are several colour morphs of this plant belonging to the Primulaceae family, but some of them may be separate subspecies or even different species – classification is still messy and troublesome. What makes the matter even more complicated is the internal variability of the same clones: young plants have different pattern than adolescence and mature specimens. We sell several nice colour variants of this species under different tags with short description to distinguish them clearly. But please note: they are also sensitive to growing conditions and they may lose some colours if they are not appropriate (for example: if you put a pink variant in shade it may turn green, but the green one will not turn pink under strong light or may turn just pinkish under only the brightest light).
- Light: moderate (but tolerates low to high)
- Humidity: high (70% or higher)
- Watering: intermediate (do not let the soil dry out, but avoid sogging for a longer period of time).
- Soil: acidic with good drainage (Sphagnum moss with perlite and peat or similar)
- Fertilizing: very low to low