Labisia sp. Metallic Blue

35,00 75,00 

Labisia sp. Metallic Blue is a very unique Labisia species which leaves have distinct metallic sheen with some blue iridescence and are covered with purple hairs. A one-of-a-kind plant, but fortunately easy to grow and perfect for terrarium/vivarium.

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Our Labisia sp. Metallic Blue for sale from Indonesia is a completely different and smaller species with more delicate (much less rigid and more soft) furry leaves than most other Labisia species have. It is a very rare one, but fortunately quite robust and it is a great plant for terrariums, vivariums and jars.

For sale we offer only the best, highly blue & iridescent specimens from selected clones!

Labisia sp. Metallic Blue growing conditions:

  • Light: moderate (but tolerates low to high)
  • Humidity: high (around 70% or higher)
  • Watering: intermediate (do not let the soil dry out, but avoid sogging for a longer period of time).
  • Soil: acidic with good drainage (Sphagnum moss with perlite and peat or similar)
  • Fertilizing: low to moderate

Additional information


Large, Medium, Small, L, M, S