Ardisia sp. Perlis Malaysia

75,00 145,00 

Ardisia sp. Perlis Malaysia is a truly magnificent  and very rare species with highly distinctive, delicate purple-silvery veining and slightly curly leaf edges.


It is very probably that Ardisia sp. Perlis Malaysia also belongs to the genus Emblemantha, but it has still not been officially described and it is known under the genus Ardisia. It seems to be a slightly smaller species which rarely exceeds 30 cm and grows a bit slower than typical Emblemantha plants.

Ardisia sp. Perlis Malaysia growing conditions:

  • Light: moderate (but tolerates low to high)
  • Humidity: high (70% or higher)
  • Watering: intermediate (do not let the soil dry out, but avoid sogging for a longer period of time).
  • Soil: acidic with good drainage (Sphagnum moss with perlite and peat or similar)
  • Fertilizing: very low to low

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Large, Medium, Small