Iridescent Plants

This is a very special category of amazing plants which leaves can shine and opalesce with spectrum of various shades of blue, turquoise and (sometimes) purplish tones, often with some metallic green. It is a similar phenomenom of light diffraction found in the case of famous Morpho butterflies. It is seems to be a special adaptation to enhance photosynthesis in dark environment as most of these plants grow on the floor of dense, tropical forests. That is why iridescent plants have to be kept under dim light to achieve the best colour results. Then they turn into best floral jewels of your collection.

Often many of the plants tagged as “iridescent” show their iridescence fully only under special light conditions like flash or other equipment. And their photos found on the Internet were taken under such conditions. Otherwise they look ordinary or even dull and it means they mostly will not please your eye unless you use such special light to watch them. BUT we are proud to inform you that ALL photos of our iridescent plants have been taken under completely ordinary conditions (no flash or other stuff have been used, just a good viewing angle has been chosen). You do not need any special equipment to admire these truly beautiful and unique plants.

Our offer of iridescent plants for sale, cultivated and propagated by us:

Begonia daunhitam (coming soon)
Begonia kapuashuluensis (sp. Temuyuk)
Begonia metallicolor (coming soon)
Begonia sp. Borneo Ferny
Begonia sp. Sarawak (lichenora giant form)
Elaphoglossum metallicum “Oily Blue” (coming soon)
Labisia sp. “Blue Metallic” coming soon)
Microsorum thailandicum