Here are recent updates of the website (changelog) like: new inventory (new species) added, new prices, plants back in stock, new photos, etc. The major ones are also always posted on our Facebook page.
- New category of unique WYSIWYG plants added to the webshop.
- Several minor updates of the website completed.
- Plant restock: Primulina sinovietnamica: size S back in stock
- Plant restock: Dendroconche linguiforme / annabellae: size S back in stock
- Gallery page added to the website.
- New species added: Dischidia astephana
- New species added: Dischidia collyris
- New species added: Dendroconche linguiforme / annabellae
- Plant restock: Elaphoglossum metallicum: size S back in stock
- Updated offer: Sonerila pulchella: new beautiful photos, reduced prices
- Updated offer: Emblemantha urnulata “Ultra Pink Fluo“: new beautiful photos, reduced prices
- Updated offer: Emblemantha urnulata “Fluo Green”: new beautiful photos, reduced prices
- Updated offer: Emblemantha urnulata “Veinless Fluo – Yellow”: new beautiful photo, reduced prices
- Updated offer: Michaelmoelleria sp. Vietnam: new beautiful photo, reduced prices
- New species added: Labisia sp. Ferny
- New species added: Emblemantha urnulata “Delicate Green”
- New species added: Primulina sinovietnamica
- New species added: Primulina sp. Bullate Leaves
- New species added: Diplazium cordifolium
- New species added: Elaphoglossum aff. herminieri
- New species added: Lindsaea doryphora
- New species added: Pinanga sp. Borneo
- New species added: Begonia sp. Trang (B. tanjiewhoei)
- New species added: Sonerila sp. Tepuai
- New species added: Emblemantha urnulata “Creamy Salmon”
- New species added: Ardisia (Emblemantha) sp. Thailand
- New species added: Emblemantha urnulata “Dark”
- New species added: Emblemantha urnulata “Creamy Lime”
- New species added: Emblemantha urnulata “Fishbone”
- New species added: Ardisia sp. Perlis Malaysia
- Updated offer: bigger sizes for much reduced prices for Michaelmoelleria vietnamensis
- Updated offer: Selaginella sp. Borneo Blue: new beautiful photo, reduced prices
- Plant restock: Cephalotus follicularis “Red”: back in stock (1 specimen only)
- Updated offer: reduced prices for most of Labisia species, new XS size and bundle XSx3 (pack of 3 XS plants) added
- New species added: Begonia aff. debaoensis
- New species added: Begonia ningmingensis var. bella
- Updated offer: Sonerila sp. Galaxy Arms: new beautiful photos, reduced prices
- Updated offer: Sonerila sp. Glowing Stripes: new beautiful photos, larger plants for a lower price
- Updated offer: Sonerila sp. Aurora Green: new beautiful photos, small size back in stock
- Updated offer: Sonerila sp. Aurora Brown: new beautiful photos, small size back in stock
- Updated offer: Selaginella sp. Manaus: new photos, new bigger sizes for old price
- Updated offer: Sonerila sp. Glowing Dots: new beautiful photos
- New species added: Aechmea chantinii “Roberto Menescal”
- Updated offer: Cosmianthemum sp. Black: new photos, new bigger sizes for old price
- Plant restock: Begonia sp. Borneo Ferny: back in stock